Huron East has several Committees which report to Council, with a few requiring volunteers to be appointed by Council to serve as a member.
Below is a list of the Huron East Committees.
The Committee consists of five (5) members of Council.
The purpose of the Committee is for staff to seek guidance and/or direction on the complex matters before being brought to all of Council for consideration.
The Committee meets on an ad hoc, as needed, basis. Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Council Calendar.
Appointed Members: Mayor MacLellan, Deputy Mayor McLellan, Councillor Chartrand, Councillor Fisher, and Councillor McGrath.
The Committee consists of five (5) members of Council.
The purpose of the Committee is limited to an annual grid review, pay equity discussions, and employee policy updates/annual policy reviews.
The Committee meets on an ad hoc, as needed, basis. Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Council Calendar.
Appointed Members: Mayor MacLellan, Councillor Chartrand, Councillor Diehl, Councillor Fisher, and Councillor Morrison.
The Committee consists of five (5) members of Council.
The purpose of the Committee is more technical in nature. it meets the requirements of legislation on reporting of statutory reports on the water systems with a smaller group who become familiar with the various systems and their operations.
The Committee meets four times a year or as required. Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Council Calendar.
Appointed Members: Mayor MacLellan, Councillor Chartrand, Councillor McGrath, Councillor Morrison, and Councillor Steffler.
The Committee consists of three (3) members of Council and four (4) business representatives which consist of the Chair of the Seaforth BIA, one Brussels Business Group representative, one Huron East Manufacturer and one representative of Huron East business at large.
The purpose of the Committee is to advise and consult on the strategic initiatives approved by Council through the Economic Development Strategic Plan.
The Committee meets four times a year. Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Council Calendar.
Appointed Councillors: Councillor Diehl, Councillor Morrison and Councillor Steffler.
The Committee consists of five (5) members of Huron East Council, one (1) Morris-Turnberry Council member, one (1) West Perth Council Member, and four (4) public members (one individual in the areas of Brussels, Seaforth, Tuckersmith and one individual for all of Huron East).
The purpose of the Committee is to identify and improve recreation opportunities at all public and private facilities and parks throughout Huron East.
The Committee meets four times a year. Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Council Calendar.
Appointed Councillors: Councillor Chartrand, Councillor Diehl, Councillor Dalton, Councillor Newell and Councillor Steffler.
The Heritage Committee consists of one (1) member of Council and four (4) to six (6) public members. There shall not be less than five (5) or more than seven (7) members on the Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to advice Council on matters related to the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) including maintaining a register of of property in the Municipality, designations in compliance with provisions of Regulation 9/06 of the OHA, receiving and reviewing heritage building designation applications etc.
The Committee is governed by By-law 27-2006.
Appointed Councillor: Councillor Wilbee
The Brussels Trust consists two (2) members of Council and five (5) public members. Members are appointed for two four year terms (to align with two terms of Council).
There is currently a vacancy for the Brussels Trust, citizens wishing to apply for one of the public member positions are welcome to submit an application to the Clerk.
The purpose of the Trust is to manage the Hydro reserved funds in accordance with the Municipal Act and Municipal Restructuring Order creating the Municipality of Huron East; use the reserve funds to promote health, safety, morality and welfare for the former Village of Brussels; promote the economic development of the geographic area of the former Village of Brussels and assist the Municipality in its management and government of geographic area of former Village of Brussels.
The Brussels Trust is governed by By-law 58-2002.
Appointed Councillors: Councillor Morrison and Councillor Newell
The Seaforth Trust consists two (2) members of Council and five (5) public members. Members are appointed for two four year terms (to align with two terms of Council).
The purpose of the Trust is to manage the Hydro reserved funds in accordance with the Municipal Act and Municipal Restructuring Order creating the Municipality of Huron East; use the reserve funds to promote health, safety, morality and welfare for the former Town of Seaforth; promote the economic development of the geographic area of the former Town of Seaforth and assist the Municipality in its management and government of geographic area of former Town of Seaforth.
The Seaforth Trust is governed by By-law 38-2002.
Appointed Councillors: Councillor Fisher and Councillor Steffler
Councillors are also appointed to a variety of Boards which are operated independently, volunteers or a third party.
One (1) Huron East Council member is appointed to CHIP.
CHIP is a community-based partnership working to prevent injuries and deaths on our roads. We are working to make our roads safer and prevent tragedies. CHIP's initiatives include:
Appointed Member: Councillor Wilbee
One (1) Huron East Council member is appointed to the Seaforth BIA.
The BIA is a non-profit organization established in 1981 for the purpose of revitalizing and maintaining Seaforth's dynamic downtown, and to promote the area as a business and shopping destination.
Appointed Member: Councillor Fisher
One (1) Huron East Council member is appointed to the ABCA.
See the ABCA Administration Regulations for details.
Appointed Member: Councillor Chartrand
See the MVCA Administrative By-law for details.
Appointed Member: Deputy Mayor McLellan
Consists of one (1) Huron East Council Member along with a members from Town of Goderich and Central Huron.
Appointed Huron East Member: Mayor MacLellan
Consists of two (2) Huron East Councillors and landfill attendants.
Appointed Members: Councillor Dalton and Councillor Diehl
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Councillor Newell
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Councillor Diehl
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Deputy Mayor McLellan
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Councillor Diehl
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Deputy Mayor McLellan
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Councillor Wilbee
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Deputy Mayor McLellan
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Councillor Dalton
One (1) Council member appointed.
Appointed Member: Councillor Dalton
Contact Us
Clerk - Jessica Rudy
72 Main Street South, Seaforth, ON N0K 1W0
Phone 519-527-0160 ext. 37
Toll Free 888-868-7513
Fax 519-527-2561
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